The Order of Peace Weavers &

The Correllian Nativist Tradition of Wicca

Welcome you to The Order of Peace Weavers' Peace Prayer Book Site.

The Order of Peace Weavers is a chartered order of The Correllian Tradition. As Peace Weavers, we are devoted to promoting Peace in our world by living Peace from Love. We are actively involved in raising Peace energy on a daily basis through prayer, meditation, chanting, art, spell working, dancing, music, networking and any means available to promote Peace and most importantly direct others to awakening to their own inner Peace and encouraging them to share it with others. We believe this is the path to true Peace. This book is gift of love and Peace to all people of all faiths and beliefs. We are all one.

With this in mind, we are proud and happy to share our prayers and spells with any who are also living Peace.

Please download the file and save it to your computer by right-clicking on the pdf link. After reading the file please return to this page and leave your comments and thoughts about the Peace Prayer Book in the box below.

Please feel free to share this file with others as a gift from the heart.

The Peace Prayer Book is a copyrighted work. All rights are reserved. No part of this pdf file or its contents may be sold or changed without express written permission. Please address any questions concerning the Peace Prayer Book or mass distribution of it to the message method below.


Blessings of Peace and love!

Rev.Theresa Helton Ott (MotherPeace Weaver)

Order Head-The Order of Peace Weavers

Download instructions:

Right click on the pdf file link below and select "Save target as" in the drop-down box. Select a file location in your computer to save the file. You can then open the file.

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